Friday, February 15, 2008

Disney Vacation Guide

Marketing! That is a key word around this house these days. I have a wall of cases of a new book titled "Vacation Education destination Magic Kingdom" sitting in my dining room. They are just waiting for their intended owners to purchase them.
So, how do those intended owners find out about this wonderful new title that is just waiting here for them?
It's called Marketing!
And, it is mind-boggling.
So, this post is for one purpose, and one purpose alone! Marketing! Sorry if you stumbled across it hoping to get something more. If you want to actually see My Disney Vacation Guide, then follow the link to my website ( and you can learn all about out series of travel guides for families who love to learn together.
But, this post here is just here so that the phrase "Disney Travel Guide" will hopefully show up on google leading potential customers here and then through the open window to my website so that they can then find out book series and purchase the Magic Kingdom travel guide that is waiting here for them, and we can make enough money to cover the cost of producing them and maybe even make enough money to produce more.
So, that's it! There is no other purpose to this particular post except to try to wiggle my way in to Google through my keywords, like "Disney Vacation Guide"
If you've read this far, and I can't imagine that anyone would, then please excuse my random ramblings, and get yourself over to because if you're still reading this, then you need to get yourself a copy of one of our book titles where you'll find 160+ pages of my prose.
Thanks for stopping by
Corinne Johnson, author,

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