Saturday, April 11, 2009

Quick clean up game

Sometimes, all the studying gets a little too serious, so we play a few fun and silly games! Here's one we all like.
This is an excerpt from the book titled: Vacation Education destination Animal Kingdom.

TRY IT! PARTY GAME! Great for Co-op, Sunday school or youth group.
Items you will need: index cards of pieces of paper, tape or safety pins, and a pen
How to Play: Write the name of an animal that you have been studying on each card. There should be enough cards for the number of players, and each card should have a different animal name written on it. Attach an animal name card to the back of each players shirt (either with tape or with a safety pin)
VERY IMPORTANT! Everyone should be able to read the card except for the player wearing it AND the player must not see their card before having it put on. They can not know what animal name card they are wearing.
Each player moves about the room asking yes or no questions of other players trying to get clues as to the animal that they are. Players can only answer yes or no, they can not give any other clues, and they can only ask one question at a time. Once they have asked a player a question, they must find another player to ask before returning to a player.
“Am I a reptile?”
“Do I live on land?”
“Am I hatched from an egg?”
NOTE: This is a game that can be altered to fit several subjects. The name cards can be historical figures, Biblical characters or even mathematical equations.

This title is coming out in the summer of 2009!
For more information on how to get yours, visit:

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