Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Selling My House

Is it real? I ask out loud. Could it be we are actually moving? It seems hard to believe. My heart has been so torn, as I see us moving in the direction that God is calling us; researching and writing more books, encouraging families to take God at His word, and ministering to those God brings our way.
For awhile, there were no showings, no interest in the house, no contact from our realtor, no hope it seemed that our dream to be on the road, full time missionaries, could ever come true.
So, we just trusted. If my efforts, my energies, my work could ever have accomplished anything, then I would probably not trust as I do. Because it is never easy, and our daily bread is always just that; daily, I have no choice but to spend my days and my nights on my knees before my Lord.
Then, we agreed (Don & I) that we still believed in what God had called us to do, and while there might be challenges, that shouldn't discourage us. So, we started to act like we believed in what we were doing. We looked for ways to replace the home phone and internet service, we looked at options for a mailing address after we leave the stick house, we started shopping for our new van/home, and even narrowed down our options to a few specific models.
When we did this, things began to turn, and people came to us and said they felt called to give us things; cash, food, clothes, items to sell on Ebay, and more. The bounty just kept raining down on us. We still every day just have our daily bread, but as we let go of things in the house and begin to embrace the new lifestyle (even though we can't see it yet), it comes closer and closer to being reality.
Tomorrow, we have a scheduled showing on our house. It is only the third since we listed it last October, and the first one this year. It's just a showing; not an offer or a sale, but as we rest in God's promises, and trust that He will lead us down the path that He has put us on, things are coming together more and more.
I am often negligent in my Thanks, so while I will spend this evening and most of tomorrow scrambling to get the house 'just so', I want to say Thank you now for the showing, because although just a showing, it is for us, a sign of Hope.

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