Friday, February 13, 2009

Dinosaur Troubles defeated by the Fallacy Detective

The work has been difficult this week, as I try to finish Animal Kingdom, specifically Dinoland. Almost everything available is from an evolutionary point of view, which I already expected. Answers in Genesis does provide some exceptional resources ( I highly suggest a visit to the Creation Museum in Kentucky if you get that way; and if you're not going that way, I suggest you plan a trip there).

What is distressing me is the vast amount of writing I have found that is just mean. As I search for information on dinosaurs that does not reject God, I have found many sites and sources that are anti-God, anti-Creation and anti-Christian in an extreme way. Even Q&A forums where anyone can pipe in, I have read very offensive language and a huge amount of name calling.

I am an intelligent person, and my faith is based on evidence; I would not be a believer if God had not revealed himself to me. So, when I am trying to read and understand different perspectives, I find it quite UNhelpful when the majority of the arguments begin with the premise that all Christians are stupid, and/or brain washed.

I don't believe everything my pastor says, I don't believe everything that I read, but I DO believe God. I believe that the Bible IS His Word, true when originally revealed, true for me today, and true for all generations to come. I am not opposed to hearing out those who disagree with me, but every argument that begins with emotionally charged name calling has little to offer in the way of actually being convincing, or even explaining any point.

So, if you would like to teach yourself and your children to be intelligent conversationalists who present their arguments with facts, not insults, then I suggest a book titled the Fallacy Detective. There are plenty of Logic curriculums to choose from and many of them are very good, but I like the Fallacy Detective particularly because we've been able to use it with several age levels. We also appreciate the "bite sized" presentation of material, as we (mom & dad) are learning too.

Corinne Johnson, is a Christian homeschooling mother of six, help meet to her husband, and author of Vacation Education Books; travel guides for families who love to learn and unit studies for families who love to travel.

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