Friday, February 13, 2009

Homeschooling & Socialization Antics

Every now and then, I am reminded of the social skills that my children don't get because they aren't exposed to common worldly influences; like modern slang. In our house, we generally speak proper English, and with the exception of occasional sarcasm, we tend to say what we mean. So, when my ten year old daughter asked me what it meant when she heard someone say, "Don't have a cow", I was reminded that she doesn't often hear such phrases.
I explained that it was an expression that some people used to indicate that someone was throwing a fit or having a temper tantrum. Okay.
The next day, my husband told her not to do something because Mommy wouldn't like it. She asked him, "Will she get a cow?"

Why yes dear, whenever Mommy is mad, she goes right out and gets a cow; that's why there's so much hamburger in the freezer!

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