Saturday, March 7, 2009

God is growing us into something new!

We have been so blessed through the journey with this business, and the more we grow, the more we realize that God is growing us into something more than we had ever imagined.
We began with an idea for a curriculum that fit our family situation, and found that it worked for many of the homeschooling families that we met. We expanded our offerings to include music, drama, and units of subjects other than vacation destinations.
Our motto when we started was; Vacation Education Books; travel guides for families who love to learn; unit studies for families who love to travel.
But, as we grow, we are realizing that our little idea has become so much more than that.
"The Gospel According to St. Olav" began as a skit to help our children retain a piece of Christian history, then it grew into an advertising campaign (just one of the many exciting ways to use our books), soon it became a ministry as we presented the Gospel message in every showing, and today we are learning how to make DVD's because we have had requests to put this presentation in a form that others can keep and share. God just keeps on growing our ministry.
Don's teaching on the Passover began as a lesson for us and our children during a Bible study on Exodus. As our children began to understand and question elements of our faith practice (like communion), we have returned time and time again to God's Word for guidance. After teaching our children how God used the Passover to point to Christ; we shared this with family and friends and last year Don taught it to a crowd of a hundred at our church. Now, he has been invited to teach fathers attending homeschool conferences how to take this information back home and teach it to their children and their churches. Again, we are learning how to make DVD's as people ask for this in a form that they can keep and share.
We have every intention of continuing to write Vacation Education Books, and to research and present materials on more destinations, but as our children grow and become more active in this business, we are giving them opportunities to use their talents to bless others.
Caitlin has been singing (check her out on YOUTUBE -
Our name is dcscte if you want to see all of our uploaded videos
Summer is a born actress; she learns her lines as fast as I can write them, and she can learn to sign a new song for her sister just as quickly.

Our philosophy of education has not changed, but it has grown, and we find more and more that our mission is to encourage families to learn and grow together in God's Word; something that is very difficult to do in the current secular educational culture. We look forward to all that God has planned for us and feel honored that He has given us this opportunity to share our lives and faith with others.
God's blessings to you in your journey.

The author: Corinne Johnson is a homeschooling mother of six, help meet to her husband, and the author of Vacation Education Books; travel guides for families who love to learn; unit studies for families who love to travel.

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