Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Selling it!

For those of you who have been following our story - We are at the point of GUNG HO marketing strategies. I have applied for a spot at INCH and am sending them an application to host a workshop, speak in front of the group, put on my presentation.
So, here it is: My Pitch!
Comments Welcome!

Thank you so much for inviting me to tell you my story. My name is Corinne Johnson. I am the author and creator or Vacation Education Books. These are travel guides for families who love to learn. They will take your family on a journey around the world, as you study science, history, geography, literature and more without ever leaving your living room. These are fabulous books, and we hope to sell a lot of them at our booth.

But, the books are only the end of the story, so let me begin at the beginning.

I met my husband in 1993, and began to ask God to show us a path that we could lead together; a journey that we could travel, side by side, not two roads that often meet, but one road that we would follow into eternity. Through trials and tribulations, God answered my prayer, but it took many years. When I read the old testament, and I see God at work in the Israelite nation, I am reminded that I am also one of His blessed children. He led them through the desert (not always pleasant), and He looked past their disobedient hearts and gave them Grace, forgiveness and blessings anyway. He did the same for me and my family. My husband and I will be at INCH, selling our books at a vendor booth, while our five children spend a weekend with Grandma, but except for these unique situations, we are a family that works together, travels together, and learns together. God has given me everything I asked for, and more than I could have ever imagined.

It has not been an easy journey.

We have over the years made decisions that God has called us to, and faced much opposition.

When we said yes to homeschooling, our families were extremely opposed to it. We didn’t know anyone who was doing it, and people told us it was illegal, immoral, and just not right.

When we said yes to letting God determine our family size, we were criticized and ridiculed by family and friends. They still think we are crazy!

When we said yes to having a home birth, we were bombarded with horror stories showcasing everything that could possibly go wrong.

When we said yes to leaving secular careers to pursue a road less traveled, we were questioned still.

When we’ve said yes to God, He has showered us with blessings greater than any opposition we have ever faced.

We have not always said yes to God, but I can also tell you the ease of following others is quickly forgotten in the pain and agony of saying no to God.

The road is not always smooth, we don’t always see the map the same way, and there are many hills.

As we approach each hill in the road, and wonder what might be on the other side, we are sometimes afraid to continue on. When Joshua led the Israelites across the dry river bed of the Jordan while God held the rushing waters at bay, I imagine they also were sometimes afraid to continue on. Some of the hills we’ve been up against have seemed greater even than rushing waters. God commanded the Israelites to pick up stones from the river bed and stack them up, so that when their children asked “what are these stones for?”, they would answer them, “This is what the Lord our God has done for us.”

As I share with the audience the stories that were once mountains in our path, but now I look back and see nothing but piles of stones, I hope to encourage and inspire them to look at their own journey and see the hills that have turned to stones. I will ask my audience to point out those stones to their children and say, “This is what the Lord our God has done for us.”

Then, when we have done that, remember to keep these in mind as we continue down a road where all we can see is the upcoming hill. We have no idea what is waiting for us on the other side. But, we can go forward confidently when we know that we are on the road that God has made, and we keep checking that rear view mirror and see those piles of stones. Whatever challenges you are facing, whatever difficulties you think that you cannot overcome, see what God has done, and do not be afraid.

1 comment:

Donna Alice said...

I really needed to read this today. Have meant to read this post for the past couple of days but everytime I started something would distract me. (I homeschool---life is continually distracting!)

Am not real sure what INCH stands for but I loved your presentation speech. Do you think you will be anywhere near Cincinnati in March at the homsechool convention? I would love to meet you again for the chance to talk.