Thursday, January 10, 2008

God is Good! Jan. 10, 2008

I haven't written lately I think because I was waiting for something extraordinary to happen. Looking for a story in our life that had an ending that I could share. But, everything is still very much unknown for us. We put the car and the house up for sale in October, but here they still are. We continue working on the second book, promoting the first and getting by.

When I look around and think about what we have seen God do, I sometimes think there is nothing to share unless it's something big. But, then I realized that it is the small miracles, the little details that God works out for us that are the most encouraging. It is amazing to hear and experience the BIG things that God does; but often, God is not in the fire, God is not in the earthquake, God is not in the strong wind, God is the still small voice. God is in the little details.

Don has not worked outside the home since October. We had no sure plan except to follow God, and see where he would lead us. We thought God would sell the house right away since that was the only chance we had of making any money. Then, the house didn't sell, one month and then another. Now, we are in January, and AMAZINGLY, all of our bills are paid! Even the house payment!

We prayed for God to either sell the house or show us a way to pay for it. We were mentally and emotionally prepared for a foreclosure (if that was God's plan), but in our hearts we didn't believe that was the right way to go. We offered the house up for sale, not because we wanted it to sell, but as an offering for God to do with as He wished. His will not ours!

Don prayed fervently for God to show him how to lead his family. He was home so that we could work together to raise and educate our children, and so that I would be able to continue working on our book series; but he felt there was something more for him to do. He asked God to show him a way to provide financially without having to leave his family behind.

We started selling things from our house on Ebay (it's January in Michigan). We aren't in a good position to have a yard sale, but if the house sells, all this stuff has to go somewhere. Then, some friends donated some items for us to sell. Then, we received requests to sell on consignment. All of this while at the same time we were reading books about marketing and making profit on Ebay (so that we could make the most possible with our household items). We were confident that when we ran out of stuff to sell, then God would provide another way. Even after selling nearly $2000 worth of stuff in the last three months, we now have more "inventory" in our house than we did when we first began to clean things out.

We still don't know what God has planned for us, but we see Him at work.

My mom gave us $$$ to use to further our business. We looked at all the ways we could use that money, and then we stumbled upon a homeschooling conference in Ohio (only five hours away). It fits into our schedule, is exactly the target market for our book series and the only fee to get in is the cost of the room. We have to stay at the resort to participate in the conference.

Every step of the way, God has provided everything that we have needed. We are blessed.

Keep checking our website for updates on our book titles.

and our Ebay auctions at (vacation education book store)

Magic Kingdom is due out March 2008.

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