Monday, June 23, 2008

One day they won't come back...

Hi, just a quick announcement.

We are always trying to find ways to save money, and have managed to put together a website with a cheaper host, so our new address online will be

If you visit our .com site, you will be redirected to the new site.

Also, a prayer request. We are preparing to welcome the 8th member of our family into a household with one 7passenger vehicle. We don't know what God has planned for our transportation needs or how He intends to pay for it, but we do know that He owns a thousand cattle on a thousand hills... He is not affected by the economy or the real estate market, so nothing is impossible with HIM. Our prayer request is for us to be patient as we watch and pray for a solution to this 'overcrowding' issue.

Lastly, a word of caution: if you have never read our newsletter before, they are usually more ENCOURAGING than this one. But, this is something that I have felt strongly about for quite some time and believed it needed to be said, so here it is...

Over the years, we have said goodbye to friends and family members. This is the way of life; death is unavoidable. Each time, I am reminded how precious these moments that we have together are. As I talk with mothers who are seeking day care options to replace the 'babysitting' that the school systems provide, my heart aches for them; the mothers and the children.
We are warned in Scripture that the end will come unexpectedly like a thief in the night. Many so called experts try to guess at a date that Jesus will return, and many Christians cling to these predictions; as though everything will be just as it is today until then.
But, that day could be today. Even if Jesus doesn't return today; you could go to meet Him today. For as many anticipated deaths we've been through, there are just as many that were completely unpredictable, like freak accidents & sudden drownings.
Many of us will live long and happy, healthy lives and so will our children. But, before you know it, your child will be gone; even if they've only gone off into adulthood. As their lives become too busy for you, what will you have left of them? Will it be memories of dropping them off and picking them up, or will you have been a part of every special moment in their lives? When you are gone, what will they remember? Will it be waving hello and goodbye from the bus stop, or will it be that you have been a part of every special moment?
Homeschooling our children gives us the advantage of seeing every milestone. I am here for the first word, first step, first tooth (in and out); I will coach them through learning to write their name, through multiplication tables, and fractions too. I'll stand by their side when the caterpillar becomes a butterfly, or even when the caterpillar dies. When they carry in armloads of cucumbers that they helped to grow, and when they try to figure out why the squash grew but never produced fruit.
Whatever parenting expert you read, they will all agree on one thing... your kids need YOU! If you knew that your child would go to live with Jesus tomorrow, would you still send him away today? Or would you hold him close in your arms and cherish these last few hours? What if you knew he'd be gone next week? Next month? Next year?
The thing is, we don't know.
The Lord could bless us with the next 70 years together, but it could be just 70 seconds...
So, act like you've only got one chance to hold on to them, to love them, to share your life and your faith with them...
Be careful when you send them away... one day they won't come back.

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