Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Too Harsh? Too Morbid?

I've been thinking that maybe my last post was a bit too harsh, or maybe even too morbid. But, every time my husband or child leaves my side, I am thinking in the back of my mind; this could be the last moment, the last goodbye. I want to make it a really good hug, the kind that would hold us over until we see each other again, even if it's not until we meet in Heaven. I try to remember to always say I love you, every time I hang up the phone, because it might be the last conversation, and I want the last words I said to be "I love you".
I wonder why everyone doesn't think this way, but I realized that for me it probably has to do with my father dying when I was twelve. Since then, I've never been shocked by death, it just is. My grandmother hates to talk about death or anyone dying; it upsets her so, and I don't understand why, but I do understand that many people feel that way.
I do not fear death, or dwell on death, nor am I shock or disturbed by death; but I am always expectant, always waiting for God to take someone I love, expecting Jesus to return for me. I look forward to an eternity in Heaven, but I don't want to miss even one moment with my children while we are together here.
When people ask me why I homeschool, even ask things like, 'How can you stand to be around them all day? I can't stand to have mine home for the summer.' I have many answers I could give, but it always comes down to just one question I ask in return, "God gave them to me. Why would I want to send them away?"

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